-added the chance to start with 2 bases
-added more variation to the center of the map with 4 way split centers
-fixed an issue where extra TCs could fail to spawn
-fixed an issue where gaia docks could spawn on land
-reduced the maximum resource delta on berries
-gaia docks or markets will now be explored at the start (to help with DM; where they are not visible even though you play explored)
-improved woodline generation on neutral islands
-added mouflons (deer)
-added oysters
-added oyster-rush and fish-rush style generations
-added new marble cliffs
-removed loose grouping in some cases to prevent missing resources
-reworked how extra starting buildings spawn, to give the chance of starting with several different buildings
-added a separate version that always gives a starting feitoria
-added starting scouts, boats and buildings from the chronicles DLC
-heroes and scenario editor exclusive units will now get autoscout
-fixed an issue where starting boats could fail to spawn
-hero kings now have a very low reload rate, so that they can't get kills
-added a new hyperrandom extreme version, which has greater variety in starting units, buildings, resources, etc.
-added plants on shallows to help indicate where shallows are (only visible if you don't remove useless plants)
-fix the display of attack values for capturable gaia buildings with attack removed
-wild horses/camels/monkeys/penguins can now be hunted like deer
-added the option for neutral lands to spawn between players for more map diversity
-monks are now slower when carrying the relic in CTR
-manually placed monasteries for CTR, instead of using DE's automatic placement
-light version no longer spawns packed TCs on nomad
-light version can now spawn gold-rush style maps
-the option to disable resource delta (modified resources per node) in the script is now available
-fixed a case where the gaia army could be missing from battle royale
-fixed an issue with the attack/armor display on modified units and buildings
-adjusted animal selection to improve diversity and more closely match their natural habitats
-added a very small chance for an aggressive hero animal to spawn far away from players
-the merchant on gaia docks will respawn if killed
-disabled autoscout on non-standard scouts due to potential issues with the changes in the new patch
-improved the resource generation on super small maps
-fixed an issue where the 3rd unit in the gaia armies was sometimes missing
-disabled the warrior priest on capture the relic
-prevented additional cav archer units from spawning in double or triple configurations
-fixed a case on KotH maps where players could have almost no woodlines
-reduced the chance of getting a map with 0 hills
-changed random blocks to account for the first 1% being over-represented and the 100% percent being impossible
-fixed an issue with nested percent chances
-entirely reworked the connection generation to reduce the number of chokepoint maps
-added support for the new commandline map sizes
-fixed an issue where water maps were generating more shallows than intended
-fixed an issue where gold/stone/food on center islands were not generating as often as intended
-DM cav-archer type scouts are now limited to 1 copy only (might have missed some of the heroes though)
-fixed an issue where too many resources would generate on nomad maps
-added support for dm specific changes on all versions
-added hunnic horse as a scout
-added an open land map preset
-greatly reduced the chance of getting socotra-style maps
-added the option to get close starts without socotra-style maps
-made the generations more open on average (especially for 1v1)
-added spy and qizilbash warrior to the trainable units from the monument
-reduced the chance of mangrove swamp maps to 1% (from 2%)
-added scouts, buildings and gaia armies from Armenians and Georgians
-added back the possibility of nomad starts without nomad resources (but with a mule cart now)
-biome appropriate cliff styles
-added a DM-specific boat pool as well
-Deathmatch changes:
-removed shore fish
-removed random empire wars
-removed nomad
-DM specific scout pool
-reduced maximum possible stone
-reduced maximum possible hills
-increased chance of open maps
-removed night time color correction, since players generally did not like it
-increased the chance of players starting close together
-allied vision will only activate after a TC is built on nomad starts (requires disabling it in the lobby settings)
-nomad starts on maps with particularly narrow chokepoints will spawn villagers closer together and near the resources
-fixed an issue where nomad could occur on island and michi maps
-fixed several issues where water maps would fail to generate any water
-fixed an issue where full water maps were always generating as hybrid maps instead
-increased the amount of water on the water version, and increased the chance to get full water maps
-docks cannot be converted until castle age on generations where players spawn with a boarding boat / monk boat
-rebalanced the pool of potential starting boats to remove some of the very strong boats
-tweaked the starting scout pool based on feedback
-fixed some issues related to walled centers
-removed nomad starts and player berries when playing deathmatch
-disabled mangrove swamp on land only
-water will not be frozen on water/hybrid only
-central islands are now no longer guaranteed when there is a lake
-fixed an issue where horse scouts would spawn for gaia when nomad was active
-dropped support for pre-DE versions of the game (AoC, HD, UP, WK)
-randomized many numerical parameters that were previously set to specific values
-fixed an issue that could result in undockable water
-added content from the RoR DLC including gazelles
-reduced elevation on forest maps
-cleaned up the mangrove maps to have fewer small islands that make it hard to build
-chance for center to be surrounded by walls belonging to every player
-reduced the chance of night-time color correction
-horse scouts now sometimes spawn for nomad starts
-increased animal variety
-added additional presents for always walled/nomad/hybrid maps
-walls no longer sometimes spawn on forest trees
-increased the fairness of maps when playing on 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 or 2v2v2v2
-increased the map size for water or forest heavy maps
-reduced the chance for a nomad start without enough wood for a TC
fixed a minor issue with empire wars starts
-non-standard starting scouts will now have the ability to autoscout
-cathedrals/unique scenario editor buildings must now be defended if you start with them
(this is denoted by the respective building being renamed to "Defend the Wonder" and surrounded by flags)
-gaia armies and trainable units from the monument are now disabled in the light version
-warwolf trebuchets are now trained as the packed version so that they can use gather points
-starting house count now does a better job of adapting to starting villager+feitoria count
-added circular placement for all almost all resources and objects
-added a very low chance to get an iron boar (not on the lite version)
-reduced the gaia animal HP regen rate to 5/min (from 10)
-regicide starts now give a scout
-neutral market maps now give a trade cart and also a starting player market
-added Indian DLC content
-gaia armies are now more variable in size
-convertible lighthouses can now spawn on water maps
-convertible towers and pyramids can now spawn - these only give line of sight and no other bonuses
-fixed an issue with the light version where walls would only spawn for nomad starts
-neutral docks may now occasionally spawn on water maps for trading
-neutral markets may now occasionally spawn in the corners for trading
-alpacas can now spawn as the eye-candy animal
-castles for regicide will now always spawn forward (DE only)
-the close starting sheep are now under player control
-added a 14 villager dark age version of empire wars (castle and imperial empire wars might be added in the future)
-gaia armies now generate at a much lower frequency
-rebalanced scouts again - 1v1 and TG reduced scout pool unless there are starting walls
-enabled all scouts again for FFA
-reduced the frequency of TC towers
-reduced the probability of a feitria start
-horses should no longer be trapped in forests
-fixed stats on wild animals after the recent update
-added another failsafe to improve ship spawns
-added a 1% chance to double the relic rush relics
-chokepoints made wider on average, especially in 1v1
-removed dire wolves again because they are too buggy
-on 1v1 chokepoint map styles, resources should now be balanced per player
-fixed an issue where less than 3 relics were spawning
-added new terrain masking for the mangrove swamp
-fixed an issue where players could start too close to the center and get immediately wolf-rushed by gaia
-added a 2% chance for water to have no fish at all
-players are more likely to get a trade cart scout if there is a neutral market
-enabled hero scouts again, but only if players start with stone walls or even stronger walls
-rebalanced the scout probabilities
-fixed some missing strings for beta units
-reduced the chance of starting with a monk
-increased the total relic count when players start with a 'monk with relic' unit
-boarding boats and monk boats can now no longer be converted
-reduced maximum food in super fat berry bushes by 100
-feitoria starts will now also have a least 1 house to begin with
-activated a 1% chance to get a monument in RM
-added the option of super close starts in the center
-fixed an issue where fishing ships wouldn't spawn when the dock was on shallows. However, they may now sometimes spawn far away from the dock.
-fixed an issue where trees had negative wood
-villagers in nomad will now avoid spawning very close to the map edges
-greatly reduced the occurrences of brown water masking, because it looks to similar to land terrains
-fixed an issue in empire wars where a player's gold could spawn in the enemy town
-fixed an issue with one of the gaia armies
-resources and animals will no longer spawn on tiny bits of land in the middle of the ocean
-re-balanced resource randomness to make very large amounts of resources less likely
-fixed a bug that prevented triple scout spawns
-fixed an issue that was causing central lands to spawn 100% of the time, where it should only be 50%
-fixed some cases where things set to a chance of 0% could still occur (ex. tiny player islands)
-minimum relic count increased from 1 to 2
-removed the gaia units guarding neutral markets in the corners
-kings in regicide now have hero glow and regeneration
-in KoTH, players will be able to train special units from the monument
-central islands and lakes will be a bit larger on tiny maps
-added more failsafes to make sure starting units and resources spawn properly
-slightly reduced the chance of island and michi layouts
-added a 1% chance to start with an empire wars style base in random map
-increased the chance of non-scout scouts
-a lot of minor bugfixes
-increased the available space for folwarks to spawn in Empire Wars
-gaia animals now have (slow) hp regeneration
-player town centers will regenerate hp on sudden death
-Empire Wars will now spawn villagers on stragglers instead of idle villagers
-these villagers will not spawn if fishing ships are placed on water maps
-reworked the terrains to make hills visually distinct on the minimap
-increased terrain diversity
-fixed a critical bug with missing animals
-added nomad treaty
-African forests can sometimes be less than fully dense now
-removed the gold and stone rocks for now
-replaced a long url that was causing crashes in the CD version
-improved Empire Wars dock placement
-center can now be divided into 2 islands or lakes
-wild horses, camels, penguins and monkeys now spawn
-wildly overpowered starting units (heroes, siege, ranged cavalry, elite unique units) are no disabled by default
-fixed a bug with the French battle royale army
-reduced gaia army on relic rush maps
-updated rnd stuff for the July fixes
-increased the chance of a classic land nomad start without resources to build a TC
-added a x256 techs version
-resources will generate on the proper terrain when testing repeatedly in the scenario editor
-side and corner lands can now appear as only 2 instead of 4
-added dire and rabid wolves
-forests, ponds and other terrains will now stay further from starting towns
-randomized color corrections and added the new night time color correction
-added the new birch trees and forest
-added the new muddy shallows terrain
-fixed a new issue with walls on double/triple TC starts
-added objects and buildings from Dawn of the Dukes
-fixed and issue with duplicated walls on multi-TC starts
-deepfish should no longer spawn on gravel or shallows or beaches
-normal fish now spawn on shallows
-reduced the overall average fish density
-updated clumping factor values based on new findings by the RMS community
-added the new accumulate_connections attribute
-added a 1% chance to have a nomad start without resources to build a town center
-split far sheep to spawn at separate distances
-central neutral market is now unguarded
-added the chance for neutral corner markets
-updated DE biomes and improved terrain blending (this may break certain generations on pre-DE - contact me if you notice issues)
-fixed an issue that could result in missing resources on mangrove swamp maps
-forest tree wood amount can now vary (1% chance)
-added an experimental option to have infinitely respawning resources (off by default)
-increased randomization of numerical parameters
-adjusted the scattering of nomad resources to be less regular
-updated to the RBW Empire Wars standards
-fixed a bug that was causing an overflow of boars on tiny standard resources maps.
-fixed Bulgarian gaia army to not include dead units
-added Burgundian and Sicilian content
-added sea wall as a possible wall type
-added full battle royale support!
-removed the packed town center from battle royale, where it is currently buggy
-updated empire wars to reduce the farms, and potentially add fishing ships on water maps
-empire wars now works with regicide and sudden death
-battle royale now works with regicide
-all other combinations of game modes should work now too
-added the option to get overpowered starting boats including hero boats (at a very low chance)
-upgraded the guardians for KoTH from wimpy outlaws to a selection of powerful gaia armies
-tweaked land generation to reduce the chance of excessively small islands
-added the option of side lands to increase the amount of possible layouts
-added a wide selection of possible starting buildings
-removed the super-close relic when not on water or michi style maps
-fixed an issue where personal relics were always spawning
-lowered the chance of personal relics
-lowered the chance of central and corner resources
-adjusted resources and empire wars stuff to more closely match the current DE standards
-added in extra units not previously used such as the stormy dog and the relic cart
-re-enabled dolphins, since they are fixed in DE now
-fixed monument resources being blocked by the TC
-fixed a 5% chance to be missing forests entirely on the savanah biome
-filled in corners for walled starts, but only some of the time - also creates walls on water
-reduced chance of walled start from 20% to 10%
-reduced chance of packed town center from 50% to 10% of nomad starts
-removed battle royale start from standard starting units
-reduced chance of island-style start from 24% to 16%
-added chance of UP buildable shallows
-add koth resource trickle for UP
-increased connection width variability
-added the option to get randomly modified starting resource stockpiles (10% chance)
-reduced the chance of super-squished islands
-increased corner land variability
-fixed a few typos
-disabled dolphins, since they unfortunately are buggy (sorry about that, I honestly did not know that)
-removed duplicated resources on nomad starts
-reduced chance that predators have food
-reduced elevation on mangrove swamp biome
-tweaked elevation spacing
-added the chance to get wider connections
-added additional green and brown water masking for DE
-shortened constant names
-removed the workaround for invisible forage bushes in DE, since that is fixed now
-improved forest mixing and added new combinations
-added balanced elevation for DE
-added a low chance of higher base elevation in DE
-added support for a neutral market to trade with in DE (but its currently still bugged in DE)
-added the possibility of the getting almost any land unit as a scout (at a very low probability each)
-improved random resources to prefer picking less extreme values
-added new water mixing
-cleaned up spacing in the script itself
-improved relic distribution
-improved starting unit and building positions
-fixed terrain and elevation scaling
-added the option of unequal corner lands
-fixed potential overflow issues with scaling 9999
-improved terrain masking
-increased chance of horse scouts
-add small chance to double relics
-fixed deep fish spawns
-improved KoTH and CtR support with a large central land with map revealers and neutral outlaws, and resource trickle from controlling the monument
-added relic rush (relics on a KoTH-style hill)
-added the chance for ponds
-added options to pick which water types to allow
-improved circle placement support
-reworked nomad resources distribution
-tweaked standard resource distribution to match the changes in DE
-added cliff avoidance
-added more starting scout and building variation
-more stuff I don't remember
-changed beach generation
-fixed water elevation
-fixed straggler trees
-fixed and issue with the mangrove swamp biome
-added the option for double walls
Tweaked the terrain blending for DE