Recommended settings:
* 8 players, can be played with less but since the land is not randomly generated, it will always have the Giant size.
* Explored map, the generation is not random so there is not really a reason to have it unexplored.
* Starting age: Dark age, other ages may end up bugging the map.
* Can be played in Regicide and Diplomacy.
* KOTH NOT SUPPORTED, play at the risk of bugging out!
In order to reach the center, players will have to chop through barriers of trees; There are 4 key areas:
- The outer water ring, where the starting islands and the Crap-tier workshops with the worst units are.
- The 2 mainlands, which hold plenty of resources and Medium-tier workshops.
- The inner water ring, where you will find Mega-tier workshops both for water and land.
- The island in the center, where the Epic-tier workshops are located, is the goal of the map: The player that controls these workshops will have extremely powerful units at his disposal.
Some important notes:
- No military units can be trained at all at players' buildings (if you see one that is, please contact me) with monks being the exception.
- Fortifications are nerfed since it's hard to get good siege in this map, they have 35% less HP.
- You can still build military buildings, but only for upgrades.
- FEITORIAS DO NOT WORK, they won't give you any resources.