In the map, players start on a central island with little resources, and smaller islands spawn around the main island with a lot of resources... the catch however is that each island has only one kind of resource so players must battle it out for monopoly of the resources! Map is usually played on KOTH and Regicide (both together) But it is possible to exclude either setting and keep one of them still on.
- Map requires AoC UP 1.5+ to play
*Recommended Settings:
- Game: KOTH (King Of The Hill)
- Map Style: Custom
- Location: V1.1_Rev_Mig_Reg_KOTH
- Map Size: according to player number
- Difficulty: Standard
- Resources: Low (This enables regicide)/ Standard (This disables regicide)
(* Yes, Its a bit weird but the resource amount determines if the game is regicide or not!)
- Pop: 200
- Game speed: Normal
- Reveal map: Normal
- Starting age: Standard
- Victory: Standard