Improved Nomad 1.0


Very balanced Nomad map. There are not many resources as everyone starts in the middle of an island, limited space requires to expand quickly, but you might get attacked easier. Good settings for this map: FFA, 1v1, Team Games, Regicide, Sudden Death, King of the Hill

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In this map everyone starts in an island in the same center spot, there is a lot of hunt in the mid and resources are spread evenly in the map at a certain distance. There will be fish for the long game as food res, but wood will not last for enough, so cosider to ally someone or controlling the relics is the best chance to win the long game. **PLEASE NOTE**: In the corners there are 4 accesible relics who generate x2 times the gold and x1 times wood. Trade is 50% faster and generates wood in addition to gold.