Battle Royale Flower (AoC)

by HenkDeSuperNerd

Each player has their own little peacefull island where they start a civilization. The islands surround a deserted island which is rich in resources. Everything seems peacefull until the empires are shaken by a damaging storm that slowly advances from the outer regions towards the middle! Can you survive?

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requires UserPatch 1.5 This Battle Royale map is compatible with AOC/vanilla, and thus does not require any Mod. This map has the option to be played as a combined regicide+ King of the Hill. to select regicide as part of the script, select LOW_RESOURCES in the gameroom. This will not have any affect on the starting resources. Doing so frees up the possibility to select other gamemodes such as King of the Hill The storm starts at 30minutes, and advances one level every 10minutes afterwards (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h) The middle island is rich with gold and berry bushes. NOTE: since this is an earlier version interaction with the animals at the map's edges can negatively influence the storm's mechanics.