Harsh Fortress v1

by Proxwarrior33

It's a hybrid of Mongolia, Fortress, Gold rush, Oasis and Graveyards. Each player has a sturdy fortress with triple layered walls but start with less gold. But the center has gold but not much in the middle but is occupied by a large pack of ornlu's but is surrounded by water (which is good for fishing). The rich gold is located in sandy areas and is open to anyone. Rabid wolves occupy the passage ways. these wolves pose more of a threat to a players economy and villagers than normal wolfs. this map has more density than mongolia and also gives a special effect to siege giving all siege even trebs and cannons triple hp and allows bad neighbours to be trained at the monument.

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This upload is managed by: proxwarrior33

It's a hybrid of Mongolia, Fortress, Gold rush, Oasis and Graveyards Each player has a sturdy fortress with triple layered walls but start with less gold. But the center has gold but not much in the middle but is occupied by a large pack of ornlu's but is surrounded by water (which is good for fishing). The rich gold is located in sandy areas and is open to anyone. Rabid wolves occupy the passage ways. these wolves pose more of a threat to a players economy and villagers than normal wolfs. this map has more density than mongolia and also gives a special effect to siege giving all siege even trebs and cannons triple hp and allows bad neighbours to be trained at the monument.
