CSAmapV5 V5

by CSA_R_Griffith

*** CSA Map Pack for WK *** Based on original CSAmapV4 created by CSA_R_Toombs edited by CSA_R_Griffith Fixed by CSA_S_Wood. You will have 1/20 chance to get one of the maps played in CSA games. But beware, we dont have the same chance for each map! Also beware, Onagers can't cut trees, neither ballistas elephants! so feel free to play in 1.5 or WK and use same tactics like in AoC... We love that only S.O. could cut trees :) Have fun! Note: This works in Voobly 1.5 and 1.6 but it has NOT been tested in Steam DE.

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This upload is managed by: CSA_R_Griffith
Versions: HD WK AoC UP1.5 DE

Special Thanks to Toombs for original map pack. which was CSA_Mega_Map_Pack, but it was broken! So we must also give thanks to Wood for taking the time to repair the file and create previous versions (CSA_Map_Pack) And with this, we started refining and creating our own versions V1-2-3-4, adding and deleting maps from the packs. To finally have this final one. Have fun! Note: This works in Voobly 1.5 and 1.6 but it has NOT been tested in Steam DE.

  • 2024-02-18
    Differences from V4: - Fixed percentages for open map to give more chances to other maps. - Fixed Ballista elephant + Onagers to avoid cutting trees. - Fixed AI for the maps