WonderLord (Hard)

by HenkDeSuperNerd

Do you want to feel the thrill of defending 1 versus 7? As the owner of a magnificent wonder, you - the Overlord - will have to give everything you got to defend. To help you, there are some added benefits: You start with a fortified base, lots of villagers and workshops that give a passive resource income. Also, overlapping the wonder there is a Palace building that allows training of special units. These are of great value and can help defending against the hordes of units that the other 7 players will send to destory your base. Defend for 350 years and win!

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Overlord meets Defend the wonder. 1v7 defend the wonder 350 years Few buffs for the defender: - start with a fortified base - train units in the palace - food, gold, wood, and stone passive income - wonder 2x HP - start with extra villagers SETTINGS: - player in blue will be the defender - pick teams (1v7) - post-imperial age starting age - standard victory - standard random map (standard game, NOT DEFEND THE WONDER) Difficulties: There are 4 difficulties: easy, moderate, hard and extreme Depending on the skill of the defender you might pick the map accordingly. Easy: - attackers have no extra starting villager - defender has very strong fire towers - defender can train units at discounted price, and training-time - defender has passive resource income Moderate: - attackers have extra starting villagers and bonus castle - defender has very strong fire towers - defender can train units at a slightly discounted price, and training-time - defender has passive resource income Hard: - attackers have more extra starting villagers and bonus castles - defender has decently strong fire towers - defender can train units - defender has passive resource income Extreme: - attackers have even more extra starting villagers and bonus castles - defender has weak fire towers - defender can train units - defender has reduced passive resource income