CSAmapV4 V4

by CSA_S_Wood

You will have 5% chance to get one of the maps played in CSA games. Onagers can cut trees. Have fun!

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This upload is managed by: CSA_R_Griffith
Versions: WK AoC UP1.5

Special Thanks to Toombs for original map pack. which was CSA_Mega_Map_Pack, but it was broken! So we must also give thanks to Wood for taking the time to repair the file and create previous versions (CSA_Map_Pack) And with this, we started refining and creating our own versions V1-2-3, adding and deleting maps from the packs. Have fun! Note: This works in Voobly 1.5 and 1.6 but it has NOT been tested in Steam DE.

  • 2024-02-18
    From CSA_Mega_Map_Pack_V3: - From 69 maps, removed 49. - All maps have 5% chance to appear