Riparian Forest 22nd Apr 2020

by Pawel Malecki

Player lands surrounded by forests, separated by rivers. Connections only to the neutral islands in the middle (no direct connections to other players, even if allied), which hold all extra resources. All beaches except the shallows covered with trees. Each player gets 1 Relic, if the total is less than 5 extra ones are distributed across the neutral lands.

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This upload is managed by: Pawel_Malecki
Versions: DE

Mixed Black Forest, Rivers and to some extent Fortress. Player lands surrounded by forests, separated by rivers. Connections **only** to the neutral islands in the middle (no direct connections to other players, even if allied), which hold all extra resources. All beaches except the shallows covered with trees - limited docking and transport ship unload areas. Each player gets 1 Relic, if the total is less than 5 extra ones are distributed across the neutral lands. If the map is large enough player lands get additional berry bush groups, same number for every player. Features several biomes (Temperate: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Snowy Autumn, Winter; Boreal, Desert, Savannah, Mediterranean, American Jungle, Asian Rainforest). Object spawning algorithm based on Chrazini's Compact Map Script with permission.