This map is a real world nomad map where resources are found on specific tiles. The tile distribution is random. The map is designed to be played for 8 players, playing the map with less players is still possible, but the mapsize stays the same (huge map/8-players size).
Wool: Grasslands with many Sheep & Boars
Wood: Forest with a few deer
Wheat: Grassland with forage bushes and farms, and a few cows
Clay: Rocky lands with stone, sandy mountains and a few llamas
Minerals: Mountain peaks with gold and a few goats.
Desert: Barren tile guarded by the "bandit"; a hostile mob who attacks back
The mod comes with 4 mapversions:
'AV' stands for allied vision, 'middle' means the desert tile is always centered in the middle.
!! Maps require WololoKingdoms and UserPatch 1.5 to play.
Advised settings:
game: Standard, Regicide, or King of the Hill
Reveal Map: Explored
4v4 or FFA Diplomacy (unlock teams)