Frisia (DE: 1v1 Only) DE 2.0

by abductedPlatypus

The Definitive Edition version of Frisia. 1v1 Only due to limitation in DE. An unwallable hybrid map that leaves a lot of strong build orders open.

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This upload is managed by: abductedPlatypus
Versions: DE

The Definitive Edition version of Frisia. **1v1 Only** due to limitation in DE. An unwallable hybrid map that leaves a lot of strong build orders open.

  • -Now works for any team composition (two even teams on the appropriate map size is recommended) -Reduced extra Cows from 3x2 to 2x2
  • -4 + 3x2 Cows instead of Sheep -2 Boar instead of 3 -6 Deer instead 8 -Islands contain 1 extra Gold Pile -Redistributed Wood to increase fairness -Updated to utilise new DE graphic features